ePerformax Contact Centers & BPO

As a pioneer and leader in the call center industry since 2002, ePerformax specializes in providing customer service to English-speaking customers of US Fortune 500 clients. One thing that sets us apart from other call centers is our Global Communications & Management Academy. In 2006 ePerformax was the first call center in the Philippines to receive accreditation from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and the GCMA was created in early 2008 to provide opportunities for Filipinos, who may not have otherwise had it, to have a successful and rewarding career in the BPO industry. The GCMA helps Filipinos develop and master global English communication skills in order to deliver superior customer service for their customers.

ePerformax is very proud to be a Filipino company, and our operations are only in the Philippines. It is our goal to continue to invest in the people and expand and grow our company here for many years to come to ensure the Philippines remains a top destination for outsourcing and a rewarding livelihood for many Filipinos.